Customer Entry Cash Receipts Worksheet Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Print (I)nvoices or (C).O.D.'s
Specify I to print outstanding invoices.
Specify C to print outstanding C.O.D.s.
- (N)um (I)nv dt (D)ue dt (S)hip to Order
Specify N to print the invoices or C.O.D.s in Sales Order Entry number order.
Specify I to print the invoices or C.O.D.s by invoice date order. If several invoices have the same date, they print in numerical order.
Specify D to print the invoices or C.O.D.s in the order they are due. If several invoices are due on the same date, they print in numerical order. The invoice date and due date are the same date for C.O.D. orders.
Specify S to print the invoices or C.O.D.s in ship-to order for those customers that have several ship-to records. If each ship to has several invoices or C.O.D.s, they print in numerical order.
- Discount Cutoff Date
The date you specify here is compared to the Discount Date field of the scheduled payment. If the discount date is before the Discount Cutoff Date, * is displayed next to it to indicate a late date. No discount is given.
You can specify a grace period to be added to the calculated discount date in SA Administrator Options-Customer-Cash Receipts.
You can specify a number between -1 and -7 in the day field to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less 7 days is used for the date.
- Enter a List of Customers?
Select Yes, and then click to display the Customer List window. Specify the customers to include in the report. The customers you list here override the customers you specify on the Range page.
- Print Misc Credits and Unapplied Cash?
Select Yes to review customers with outstanding miscellaneous credits, or customers with payments that could not be applied completely.
The invoice number of the miscellaneous credit prints in the Invoice # column of the worksheet. If the miscellaneous credit was created in Sales Order Entry and the Reference field was left blank, the invoice number is also displayed in the Reference column of the Customer Entry Cash Receipts Worksheet Report.
- Print References?
Select Yes to print the reference line entry from Customer Transaction Entry or Sales Order Entry.
- Print Job Information?
Select Yes to print the job information from Customer Ship To Setup.
- Print Cash/Check Summary?
This option is related to the Enter a List of Customers option.
Select Yes to print, in summary form, the check numbers, cash, and amounts you specified in the Customer List window.
- Page Break on New Customer?
Select Yes to print each customer’s information on a separate page.