Entering a return on a counter sale or stock order

You can return a product on a counter sale (CS) or stock order (SO). Use these instructions to enter a return on a new CS or SO. You can also enter a return on an existing SO.

If the customer is returning items on an invoiced or paid order, enter a return merchandise order.

  1. Select Sales > Entry > Order.
  2. Select Counter Sale or Stock Order in the Order Type field.
  3. Complete the required information on the Initiate page, and then click Next.
  4. In Advanced Line Entry mode, specify the product and the returned quantity.
    If the sales order is tied to a Service Warranty order, the Service Warranty add-on items are included in the list of items that can be selected.
  5. Select Return option, and then click the Returns button.
  6. Specify a return reason.
  7. Optionally, specify the Restock Charge, Tax Group, and Warranty Tag #, if required.
  8. Select the Usage option to include the return in usage calculations.
  9. Optionally, specify the invoice number and line number of the product being returned.

    Alternatively, click Find Invoice to view orders that contain the product. Select the invoice, and then click Submit.

    After you specify the invoice and line number, the invoice date and customer purchase order are automatically displayed.

  10. Click Submit.
  11. If the item is taxable, click Taxes &Totals to verify the sales tax rate.

    If the rate changed, make adjustments to refund the correct amount on the return.

  12. Click Collect Payment.

    The amount to untender is displayed in the Pricing Calculator section.

  13. Select a payment option, and then click Accept Payment.
  14. Finish the order.