Product Availability Inquiry - Warehouse Availability field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
Filter By
- Company
The current company you are logged in to is displayed. Specify a valid company number or select All to display all companies and warehouses that contain the product.
- Consign Cust #
Specify the customer number if the warehouse you want to search is assigned to a specific customer. This is set up in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
- Region
Specify a region to limit the warehouses that are searched to a specific geographical region. Warehouses are assigned to a region in Product Warehouse Description Setup.
- Short Surplus Only
Select this option to see only those warehouses that contain short-term surplus stock. Leave this option cleared to display all warehouses whether they have short-term surplus stock or not.
- Unit
If you leave this field blank, the stocking unit from Product Setup is used to match products in other companies and warehouses. To find quantities for a specific unit, specify the unit. The net available and surplus is displayed according to the unit specified.
- Warehouse Group
Select a warehouse group to limit the display to products in warehouses within a specific warehouse group. Warehouse groups are set up in SA Table Code Values Setup - Warehouse Groups, and are usually assigned to operators in SA Operator Setup.
- Warehouse Type
Select the type of warehouse products that display in the Warehouse browse. Your options include Standard, Managed, Consigned, and All.
Standard: shows products in warehouse that do not have a customer assigned.
Consigned: shows products in warehouses that have are assigned to a customer.
Managed: shows products in warehouses that have the Managed option selected in IC Setup Warehouse Description-Storeroom (ICSD).
All: shows products in all warehouses.
- Zone
Specify a zone to limit the warehouses to those warehouses assigned to a particular zone. Warehouses are assigned to a zone in Product Warehouse Description Setup.