Credit card transaction types and communication response codes
Transaction types are displayed in the Sales Order Inquiry-Credit Card Details and in the Type field on the Customer Credit Card Status Report. The Distribution SX.e system uses these transaction types to process credit cards:
- AUTH: Created during tendering, this code identifies a normal transaction that reserves funds against the credit card until the order is shipped and invoiced.
- FSAL: Created during invoice processing, this code displays when the transaction is ready for settlement, when the credit card is charged.
- HOLD: Created during tendering, this code is generated on transactions when there are no lines to ship on the order. When the item is shipped, an auth transaction is created.
- RETN: Created during tendering, this code is generated if there is a negative tendering, such as a return or an overcharge. When the order is invoiced, the retn transaction is sent through the credit card processor and the customer’s card is credited.
- SALE: Created during tendering, this code is generated if the tendered amount is below the minimum amount set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type. A sale transaction is also created when the Non-Refundable Credit Cards option is selected during tendering when you process the sale with a token. In addition, a sale transaction is created when you process a sale using the One Time Sale functionality, which is tokenless.
Each time you send transactions through the credit card processor, you receive a response that tells you whether that transaction went through properly. If the transaction fails because the card does not exist or because the card is over the credit limit, the transaction will fail with a specific response code. Failed orders are put on hold, so that the order is not shipped. The response code displays in the Sales Order Inquiry-Credit Card history, and the Comm section of the Customer Credit Card Status Report. Codes that may appear include:
- APPR: Indicates that the transaction was received and approved.
- COMM: Indicates that there was a communication problem between the Distribution SX.e system and the credit card processor, such as a problem with the modem or Internet connection. When this code displays, the transaction was not submitted to the credit card company.
- TIME: Indicates that a response was not returned by the credit card processor and the transaction timed out. This can be caused by high levels of traffic with the credit card network. If the transaction times out, it is not clear whether the transaction was, or was not, submitted to the card processor. Depending upon the transaction type, your next step varies. For an AUTH, because the data cannot be retrieved, the only option is to resubmit the transaction to get a usable AUTH. For a SALE, RETN, or FSAL transaction type, the operator must verify with the card processor if the transaction was actually submitted. This avoids a duplicate transaction when resubmitting a FSAL, SALE, or RETN.
- DENY: Indicates that the
credit card transaction was denied. If a credit card is denied during tendering, you
will have an opportunity to tender with another media type. If the denial happens
during invoice processing, the order will go on hold for further action in Sales Credit Release Inquiry. Sales Order Inquiry-Details credit card history and
the Customer Credit Card Status Report provide
detailed information regarding denied transactions. When credit card transactions
are denied and subsequently untendered in Sales Order
Entry, this hierarchy is applied to reverse credit card transactions
by the amount untendered:
- First, any denied/failed transactions are reversed (AUTH or SALE, first found).
- Then, any unprocessed AUTH transactions are reversed.
- Then, any processed, approved AUTH transactions are reversed.
- Finally, any unprocessed SALE (min amount) transactions are untendered.