Setting up and associating multiple merchant IDs

This configuration is optional. Standard processing will be used for any warehouse without an associated merchant ID. However, you can set up a warehouse so the system can process credit card transactions from this warehouse location to a specific bank. We recommend you use the same merchant ID for every payment type in a warehouse.

Initially you must create the association between a warehouse, payment type, and bank. After created, you can edit or delete an existing association. These instructions assume you are creating the initial association.

  1. Select System Administrator > Setup > Table Code Value.
  2. In Table List, select Merchant ID Credit Cards and click Search.
  3. Click New.
  4. In Merchant, specify an ID code up to four alphanumeric characters in length.
  5. In Description, specify the merchant ID code assigned by your CenPOS representative. The Distribution SX.e system sends this description to the credit card company during authorization and settlement.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Close the function.
  8. Select Product > Setup > Warehouse Description Payment Type .
  9. Click New.
  10. In General, specify this information:
    Specify the warehouse. This is the warehouse you are associating the merchant ID with.
    Payment Type
    Select the payment type. For example, Visa.
    Select the bank. This is the bank you want the credit card transactions processed through.
    Merchant ID
    Select a merchant ID. The list is populated from SA Table Code Value Setup-Merchant ID Credit Cards, set up in the previous steps.
    Merchant User ID
    Specify the user ID provided by CenPOS for this association. This information enables CenPOS to be able to pass the full credentials when creating an authorization transaction.
    Merchant User PW
    Specify the user password provided by CenPOS for this association. This information enables CenPOS to be able to pass the full credentials when creating an authorization transaction.
    Note: No setup is required in the User Fields section. These fields allow you to set up user-defined fields. These fields are not processed or updated by Distribution SX.e or CenPOS for credit card processing.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Repeat these steps for each combination of merchant ID, warehouse, payment type, and bank you want to associate. For example:
    • Associate merchant ID 11111111 with warehouse A, Visa, and bank A.
    • Associate merchant ID 11111111 with warehouse A, MasterCard, and bank A.
    • Associate merchant ID 22222222 with warehouse B, Visa, and bank B.
    • Associate merchant ID 22222222 with warehouse B, MasterCard, and bank B.

After you have created multiple merchant ID associations, you can Edit or Delete an existing association. You can use the search to filter the grid list. Specify a Warehouse and Payment Type, and click Search. In the grid, select the appropriate line. The Warehouse, Payment Type, and Bank values default based on the line selected in the grid.