EDI 840 and 850 documents in ETCC
Depending on the processing method, you can view the resulting transactions for inbound EDI 840 Request for Quote and EDI 850 Purchase Order documents in EDI Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry (ETCC). You can view sales orders for EDI 850 documents were that processed through ION or SXAPI. You can view quotes for EDI 840 documents that were processed through SXAPI.
If ETCC functionality is set up and you have the correct operator security, you can view transactions with a status of Processed or Error. A processed transaction may contain exceptions and errors that occur at the header or line level. You must correct the errors. You can approve or correct the exceptions. To correct a document that contains a non-fatal error or exception, you must edit the document in Sales Order Entry.
If a transaction contains a fatal error, a quote order or sales order is not created. If a fatal error occurs when a ProcessSalesOrder BOD is received, a Confirm BOD is sent back to ION with a detail of the error. If a BOD was not received by Distribution SX.e or an error was not captured by ETCC, then the transaction is processed through ION Error BOD handling procedures. Optionally, the originating partner can resend the document.
You can also view BODs in SA ION Inbox/Outbox Inquiry.