Vendor Entry Batch Update Report ranges and options
This report does not contain ranges.
- Batch Name
Specify the name of the batch file to be processed. The batch name must exist as a valid batch in the appropriate Batch Setup function. Set up batches in these functions:
- Vendor Entry Batch Setup in character interface only
- Customer Entry Batch Setup in character interface only
- GL Batch Setup
- Sales Entry Batch Setup in character interface only
- Posting Date
Specify the date to assign to each transaction that is written to the Batch Transaction APEBT file. This file is an internal character interface.
If you update a previous period, leave the posting date as today's date. This maintains an audit trail of the posting sequence. You cannot change the posting date at a later time.
- Period
Specify the calendar period to update. It is automatically be converted to the correct fiscal period.
If you specify an invalid period number, the report is not processed. An invalid period message is shown on the report. Additionally, this message is displayed at the end of the report: Errors Were Detected, No Posting Occurred.
- Print All Records? (If ‘No’ Only Errors)
Select Yes to print all transactions that were updated.
Select No to print only those transactions that contained errors. If the batch is large, this report could become extensive.
- Update? (If 'No', List & Error Check)
Select Yes to update the batch transactions. After this report update is complete, the Last Posted By operator initials, date, and time is updated in the Vendor Entry Batch Setup record.
Select No to only list and check for errors in the batch transactions. This prevents an update if an inactive transaction with a duplicate invoice number exists.
- Delete After Update? (Type ‘0’ Only)
Select Yes to delete the header record of a one-time batch. The transaction record is automatically deleted.
- Invoice Date
If the invoice date was left blank when the transaction was entered in APEBT, specify the date to update the invoice date for each transaction. If an invoice date already exists, the invoice date you enter here is not used.
The invoice date is usually the date on the vendor invoice. This date is used to calculate the terms and discount due dates. You can change the invoice date in Vendor Maintain Transaction Entry later.
- GL Account # To Post Discrepancies
Discrepancies are posted to this General Ledger account if these conditions are met:
- Variances occur or costing and receiving amounts do not match
- Your accounting method is set to Value Inventory At Receipt Cost in
If an account number does not default, specify a full GL account number with delimiters.
If this option is blank, an out of balance message is displayed in both non-update and update modes.
If you specify an account number and you are in non-update mode, this message is displayed:WARNING: Discrepancy Acct Will be Used to Balance GL for XXX amount
If you specify an account number and you are in update mode, the discrepancy is posted to the account that you specify here.
If you do not specify an account number, or you specify an invalid number, reconciliation discrepancies are posted to a suspense account.
Divisionalized accounting enables you to track variances. The division number of the invoice is used to determine which variance account to use. Specify * in the division part of the discrepancy account for partially divisionalized companies. Specify 0 for a fully divisionalized company, and the division comes from the invoice.
When costing foreign vendors and converting the currency into U.S. dollars, there is some change left due to rounding, which causes the batch to be out of balance.
Note: The GL transaction totals in the vendor's currency are directly under the domestic totals. When a discrepancy account is required to balance the journal, GL transaction totals for the invoice that prints in the vendor’s currency will not be equal. The difference is the discrepancy account transaction that is converted to the vendor’s currency. The domestic totals balance.