Level hierarchy for rebate processing
If Level Hierarchy for Rebate Processing is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Rebates, levels are used to calculate rebates for vendors and customers. First, level 1-rebate records, which specify the product, customer, ship to, job, and warehouse, are searched. If a qualifying record is not located, a search of subsequent levels is performed. If multiple records are located, the one with the most recent start date is used.
This list shows the level hierarchy used when calculating rebates:
Type 1 - Product
- /customer/job/whse
- /customer/job
- /customer/whse
- /customer
- /customer rebate type/whse
- /customer rebate type
- /all/whse
- /all
Type 2 - Rebate Type and/or Sub Type
- /customer/job/whse
- /customer/job
- /customer/whse
- /customer
- /customer rebate type/whse
- /all/whse
- /all
Type 3 - Price Type
- /customer/job/whse
- /customer/job
- /customer/whse
- /customer
- /customer rebate type/whse
- /customer rebate type
- /all/whse
- /all
Type 4 - Product Line
- /customer/job/whse
- /customer/job
- /customer/whse
- /customer
- /customer rebate type/whse
- /customer rebate type
- /all/whse
- /all
Type 5 - Product Category
- /customer/job/whse
- /customer/job
- /customer/whse
- /customer
- /customer rebate type/whse
- /customer rebate type
- /all/whse
- /all