EDI 820 inbound

EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice documents include payment information and are used to process lockbox payments. EDI 820 documents are received from banks or other financial institutions and are used to update Accounts Receivable and General Ledger records with customer payment transactions.

ION processing

EDI 820 documents are received through Process RemittanceAdvice BODs without user intervention. Each document can contain one payment. One BOD is received for each EDI 820 document. Each BOD creates a batch record in Electronic Transaction Control Center (ETCC) where it is processed, based on a stored Customer Entry Lockbox Import Report. You can create multiple stored reports with different processing parameters, and then use business rules to apply them at the customer, company, or global level.

Each document that is received without a fatal error is temporarily assigned the WIP (work in process) Update Status in ETCC. After the document is reviewed by the system, it is assigned an appropriate Update Status such as Error, Exception, or a WIP status that is related to a processing stage. When a document does not contain errors, it can be automatically processed in a stored Customer Entry Lockbox Update Report to create and post customer payment transaction records. The Update Status for the document is then set to Complete.

If a document includes exceptions and errors, you can correct them in Customer Lockbox Entry, ETCC, or other functions. You can then schedule the update to reprocess the BOD data. If retransmission of the BOD is required, you can cancel the document in ETCC.

Flat file processing

If you use flat files to process EDI documents, you must run Customer Entry Lockbox Import Report to receive the EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice documents.