Product Needs Analysis Report ranges and options


Only Products Where Back Order > 0?

Select Yes to include products that are on back orders. The back orders are strictly back orders and do not include warehouse transfer demand.

Only Products Where Avail < Order Point?

Select Yes to include products with availability that is below the determined order point.

Print Alternate Vendors?

Select Yes to include alternate vendors on the report.

O)AN, D)NR, B)oth OAN/DNR, A)ll Products

Specify O to include order-as-needed products only.

Specify D to include do not reorder products only.

Specify B to include both order-as-needed and do not reorder products.

Specify A to include all products, regardless of status.

Clear OAN/DNR Ordering Controls

Select Yes to clear ordering controls in Product Warehouse Product Setup for the OAN and DNR products that you selected in the previous option.