Purchase Order Entry - Review & Totals field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.



Shows the volume of the products ordered.

Created By

Shows the initials of the operator who created the order.


Shows the ordered total.


Shows the target; that is, the order amount you want to reach to take advantage of incentives given to you by the vendor.

Quantity Ordered

Shows the quantity ordered.


Shows the total weight of all products ordered.


Freight Expected

Knowing whether freight charges are expected with a purchase order is valuable information for PO and AP clerks. Clerks can verify the expectation with the Freight Expected option. This option is displayed as a check box in applicable modules, such as Purchase Order Entry and Vendor Setup.


Specify the amount of the addon.

Amount Type

Specify whether the addon is a flat amount or a percent of the order total.


Specify whether the addon is expensed or capitalized. Capitalized addons are acquisition costs, such as freight or handling charges, that are added to the GL product cost. Expensed addons are memo entries that are used to notify accounts payable of additional non-product costs that are expected on the invoice.

Net Amount

Shows the net amount of the addon.


Select the type of addon. Addon types are specified in SA Table Code Value Setup-Purchase Order Addons.


Amount Type

Indicate if the discount entered is a flat amount or a percent of the order total.

Net Amount

In the Supplier Warranty Allowance program, the net amount of the line with the allowance.

Order Discount

If the option, Capitalize Order Discount, is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting, this amount autopopulates from Vendor Setup-Ordering. If you clear the Capitalize Order Discount option, you can manually specify a discount to apply to the entire order. If this field is blank, no discount default value has been specified.

Resale #

If you purchase products for resale to your customers, provide this number for the vendor. If you purchase products for internal use, you can leave this field blank. Resale items are treated as nonstock items on the purchase order. This value is from the bill-to warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record.

Resale Purchase Order

Select this option to indicate that the products that are purchased from this vendor are used for resale. The vendor does not tax the order. If the option is not selected, the products are for internal use and taxes are levied. The default status of this option is from Vendor Setup. If No is selected for Allow PO Entry of Non-Resale Items in SA Operator Setup, non-resale line items cannot be entered.

Supplier Warranty Allowance Amount

In the Supplier Warranty Allowance program, vendors provide allowances for damaged products instead of accepting returns. The allowance is a percentage of the vendor's product cost. When a purchase order is created, the allowance is automatically calculated at the line level for a product that is included in the program.