Cash drawer management GL postings
You should have a general understanding of how General Ledger (GL) postings are handled in
cash drawer management. Be aware that the standard GL postings resulting from Sales
Order Entry tendering and receive on account payments are not affected by cash
drawer management. Consider these points:
- The cash drawer management feature honors full divisionalized accounting setups.
- Sales Drawer Transaction Entry can create GL postings for each transaction entered. You must enable the Post to G/L option in SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions.
- For the warehouse specified in Sales Drawer Transaction Entry, if a division is associated with the warehouse record, that division is used in the GL posting.
- GL postings are based on whether the transaction is taking cash out [Cash Out] of the
drawer or putting cash in [Cash In]. These are some typical postings:
- Cash In:
- Debit the GL Account # specified in the CR Bank Setup record of the bank specified in the Product Cash Drawer Setup record.
- Credit the GL Account # specified in the PCT transaction type record [from SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions (PCT)].
- Cash Out:
- Credit the GL Account # specified in the CR Bank Setup
record of the bank specified in the Product Cash Drawer Setup-Drawer
ID record.
- If the Cash Out does not involve a bank deposit [PCT=Lunch; no Bank], credit the GL Account # specified in the PCT=Lunch record [from SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions].
- If the Cash Out does involve a bank deposit [PCT=Withdrawal; Bank # selected], credit the GL Account # specified in the CR Bank Setup record of the bank assigned in the PCT=Withdrawal record [from SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions].
- Credit the GL Account # specified in the CR Bank Setup
record of the bank specified in the Product Cash Drawer Setup-Drawer
ID record.
- Cash In:
- GL postings for cash drawer management affect bank records. When a journal is closed,
one or more Check Reconciliation transaction (CRET) records may be created. These are
- You deposit money into the cash drawer, and do not do anything else. A Deposit (Type 4) CRET record is created for the bank assigned in the Product Cash Drawer Setup-Drawer ID record.
- You create a withdrawal from the bank assigned in the Product Cash Drawer
Setup record. You select a PCT transaction type record that has a bank
assigned; for example, a transfer from one bank to another. Two CRET records are
- The first record is a Charge [type 2] CRET record for the bank assigned in the Product Cash Drawer Setup-Drawer ID record.
- The second record is a Deposit [type 4] CRET record for the bank that was assigned in the PCT transaction type record [from SA Table Code Value Setup-Petty Cash Transactions].
- The CRET transactions can be used in CR Check Center Entry or CR Reconciliation Center Entry to balance the bank accounts.
- A journal is closed when the operator closes Sales Drawer Transaction Entry. Each submit action in Sales Drawer Transaction Entry updates the journal Set number, so each GL Transaction Entry to Sales Drawer Transaction Entry is a one-to-one relationship. A batch journal is created by any cash drawer action opened by an SX.API process.