Vendor Invoice Center Entry - Invoice Detail - Purchase Order Header - Create field descriptions


The fields in the Proof section are updated as you specify values in the Purchase Order Details section.

Purchase Order Details

The fields are listed in alphabetical order.


The allocation method selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting, but you can change it. Discounts can be allocated by Amount, Unit, or Manually. If you receive a discount that is to be allocated to only one or some line items of a purchase order, you should manually allocate the discount. When the Manual allocation method is selected, you can access the Manual Allocation window on the PO Lines Entry window to allocate the discount.

Apply To

Defaulted from the PO header and indicates how the PO Addon Amount is to be applied to lines on the purchase order.

Close Partial PO

Select Close Partial PO to close this purchase order when it has been partially invoiced and you do not expect to receive additional invoices for the purchase order.

This option is accessible if the Allow Modification of Close Partially Costed POs option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting.

Close When Fully Costed

Select Close When Fully Costed to close the purchase order when all lines have been costed during Final Update or Vendor Invoice Center Entry-Update Report, even if the PO has uncosted addons.

If you close a PO that has uncosted addons and you capitalize addons at receiving, those uncosted addons are backed out of the addon cost for the product, and the Uninvoiced Addons account is debited.


Specify a discount, if applicable, and the discount allocation method.

If the Capitalize Order Discount option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting is selected, you can specify a whole order discount to be capitalized and distributed to the purchase order line items. If you specify a whole order discount, the the distribution method selected for the Distribute Capitalized Order Discount By option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting is used. If an order discount was specified for the purchase order in Purchase Order Entry, the discount amount is defaulted in this field.

If you are not costing all lines of a purchase order, the order discount is only distributed among those lines that are costed, whether or not the discount is an amount or percentage amount.

If the Capitalize Order Discounts option is not selected, you cannot add whole order discounts to the purchase order.

If you want to expense this discount, do not specify a discount amount here. Specify it in the GL Distribution window. If the Capitalize Order Discounts option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting is not selected, you can manually update the PO Order Discount account if the discount was specified in the Purchase Order Entry header. This GL account is set up in SA Operator Setup for purchase order accounts. If the discount was specified in Purchase Order Entry and deducted from the invoice amount in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, it is automatically posted to the PO Order Discount account in GL. If the discount was not specified in Purchase Order Entry, you must manually post it on the GL Distribution window as a negative invoice proof.

The purchase order discount amount defaults from the header each time the purchase order is costed. Check the default amount if this purchase order is costed multiple times and override the discount amount if it changes.

The division number is defaulted from the Vendor Setup record for the selected record, or was defined on the Invoice Detail - Create window.
From Line # To Line #
Defaulted from the PO header and indicates the lines to which the addon is applied.
PO Addon Amount
The PO Addon Amount is defaulted from the PO header.
Purchase Order #
Specify the purchase order number you are costing against the vendor's invoice.
Select Terms To Use
Select the terms to use for the invoice. Valid options are Invoice, PO, or Vendor Default.
Ship Date for Tied Order

The Ship Date for Tied Order field is defaulted from the PO Header Entry page when you update header information for direct purchase orders.

The TiedOEShipDate value in the Process SupplierInvoice BOD or sxapiAPInvoiceImport call also updates this field when an invoice is received electronically.

Vendor #
The vendor specified on the Invoice Details window is defaulted, but can be changed.
These additional fields are defaulted from the PO header for information only:
Last Purchase Order Added
This field is displayed after you add a purchase order. This can be used to help you keep track of POs if you have multiple POs to add to a vendor invoice.
  • Transaction Type
  • Stage Code
  • PO Net Amount
  • Invoice Terms
  • PO Terms
  • Vendor Terms
  • Supplier Warranty Allowance Amount

Tracking and Freight

This section is only visible when automatic freight allocation is enabled. To enable the function, select the Enable AP Freight Allocation option in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Invoice Defaults. All fields load based on the selected Purchase Order #. The fields are listed in alphabetical order.

Freight Upcharge
Displays the calculated upcharge amount based on the associated Customer Billing Setup record, tied sales order, and any entered 3rd Party Freight amount. The amount is recalculated when you click Recalculate Upcharge.
OE Freight Addon
Displays the accumulated addon amounts from all addon records of the tied sales order. If no header tie exists, this field will be zero.
OE Freight Terms
Displays the freight terms from the tied sales order. If no header tie exists, this field will be blank.
PO Freight Terms
Displays the freight terms loaded from the selected purchase order's header.
PO Ship Via
The field is defaulted from the selected purchase order record, but it can be changed.
Tied Order
Displays the tied order from the selected purchase order's header. If no header tie exists, this field will be blank.
Tracker #1
A package record for this number is created during Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report processing. It is displayed in Purchase Order Inquiry-Packages. When the purchase order is tied to a sales order, a package record for this number is also created for the sales order and displayed in Sales Order Inquiry-Packages.
Tracker #2
A package record for this number is created during Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report processing. It is displayed in Purchase Order Inquiry-Packages. When the purchase order is tied to a sales order, a package record for this number is also created for the sales order and displayed in Sales Order Inquiry-Packages.
3rd Party Freight
Specify a third-party freight amount, if applicable. The Freight Upcharge amount is updated to include this amount when you click Recalculate Upcharge.