Reporting groups
Access to the reporting functions is restricted through membership of reporting groups.
The built-in reporting group has groups beneath it that enable security for the reporting functions. Users can be members of more than one reporting group, but to access a function a user must also be a member of a SunSystems User group that has access to the function.
The groups provided are:
- Administrators have full access to Report Manager (RMA) and Report Backups (RMB). Full access means that an administrator can manage the contents of any user's personal folder, can import reports, and can manage general Report Manager settings.
- Membership of the Publishers group includes limited Report Manager access and is generally used for normal users. A user assigned to this group can store, export and manage reports in their personal folder, and in any shared folder to which they have access.
- A user who is assigned to the Designers group can write reports with Report Designer (RED). Users who are assigned to both the Administrators and Designers groups can amend and remove the Data Access Settings within reports.
- A user who is assigned to the Schedulers group can create and run schedules with Report Schedules (RMC).
- A user who is assigned to the Model Manager group can run Report Models (RMD) and so have full access to synchronize, import and export business unit models.