Creating profiles

Note: To create a profile in Transfer Desk web, you must be a SunSystems Connect Administrator, or Designer.

This topic provides a summary of how to create profiles.

Note: A red indicator is displayed next to incomplete mandatory fields. You must complete these fields before you can run the profile.

Use the appropriate profile designer to create a new profile as follows:

  1. Open Transfer Profiles (TRP).
  2. Click New Profile.
    Transfer Profile Designer opens.
  3. Complete this information:
    Profile Type
    Select from:
    • Import profile
    • Export profile
    • Process profile
    • Internal Transfer profile
    • External Transfer profile.

    The profile type you select defines the Profile Designer dialog that subsequently opens.

    Profile Name
    Enter a unique profile name. This name is given to your profile and identifies the profile.
    Enter a description of the profile.
  4. For the type of profile you are creating (Import, Export, Process, Internal Transfer or External Transfer), select the appropriate component and source or target data format for the data to be transferred.
  5. Specify the default source or target runtime parameters as required.
  6. From the Transformation drop-down list, select a transformation. Where the source and target are the same SunSystems data format, a default system transformation is provided for you. You must create a transformation if the source and target formats are not compatible.
  7. Click Save Profile. Click Discard Changes if you do not want to save the new profile.
  8. Click Yes to return to the Transfer Profiles dialog or click No to remain in the Transfer Profile Designer dialog.