
Maps data from the source to the target. During the mapping the input data can be changed by applying a function to it.

		<target/> <!-- generated output path --!>
		<source/> <!-- full path into input data -->


Specifies the fully qualified target path that will be generated in the output data. This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies the fully qualified source path into the input data. More than one source can be specified, in which case the sources will be written to the output in the order they appear.

Example 1

In this example a single source field is written directly to a single output field.

<!--Map the purchase order description to the sales order description.-->

Example 2

In this example, multiple source fields are mapped to a single target field. The source specifies three fields for the date, whereas the target requires only one field.

<!--Map the year, month and day from the input to the date field in the output.  Since no function is provided, the source fields are written in the order they appear, creating the output MMDDYY.

Example 3

<!--Generates a target date using a user-provided function.-->
		<source name='month'>SSTSOutput/Payload/PurchaseOrder/Date/Month</source>
		<source name='day'>SSTSOutput/Payload/PurchaseOrder/Date/Day</source>
		<source name='year'>SSTSOutput/Payload/PurchaseOrder/Date/Year</source>