Creating automations
These steps describe how to create an automation in Automation Designer:
- From the File menu in Transfer Desk, select New Automation or click Create a new automation on the toolbar.
Specify this information:
- Automation Details
- Specify name and description of the new automation.
- Select Profiles
- Select one or more profiles for the automation and set the order in which they are to run.
- Select profiles from the list in the Available pane and use the Add button to copy the selected profiles one at a time to the Selected pane. Alternatively use Add All to copy them all to the Selected pane then use Remove to delete those not required.
- Use the up and down buttons to change the order in which profiles are executed.
- Edit Fail on Errors
- Edit the error handling settings for the selected profiles. Check the Fail on Error check box if you want the automation not to execute other profiles within the automation, when it fails.
- Edit Runtime Parameters
- On profiles selected for the automation.
- Source Runtime Parameters
- The source runtime parameters of the selected profile are displayed. You can enter parameter values here if the profile definition allows it. These are used as parameter values for the automation. Therefore, you can add the same transfer to the automation many times with different parameters.
- Target Runtime Parameters
- The target runtime parameters of the selected
profile are displayed. You can enter parameter values here if the profile
you select can be overridden. These are used as parameter values for the
automation. Therefore, you can add the same transfer to the automation many
times with different parameters. Note: Do not select a profile with an exclamation mark in the automation; otherwise the automation cannot be run as a whole.Note: If you edit the source or target runtime parameters of a profile for the automation, it does not change those parameters in the profile record itself.
- After you have created an automation, you can run it from the Tasks menu, or use the button on the toolbar, in Transfer Desk.