Internal transfer profiles
An internal transfer profile defines:
- export source selected from valid export data type list
- export method
- export source runtime options, including filtering and data summary
- import target selected from valid import data type list
- import method
- import runtime options, dependent upon the target selected
- any transformations attached to the transfer.
Transferring Internal Data
Transfer Desk provides the ability to transfer data within one SunSystems database, across business units and ledgers and order series if required, specifying a SunSystems record type both as transfer source and as transfer target.
This is divided into two parts:
- Transfers where the source and the target are the same SunSystems record type, for example, Ledger to Ledger.
- Transfers where the source and the target are different SunSystems record types. In this case data mapping is required, for example, Purchase Order to Ledger.