Using Journal Range Control in ledger exports
When you define a ledger export profile you can specify that range control should be applied when the profile is run, so that only the journal numbers within the specified range are exported. Journal data is specific to a ledger in a business unit, and so you can set the range control independently for each business unit and ledger combination.
On the Ledger Specific tab of the source component for the ledger export profile, select Yes from the Enable range drop down list. For each business unit and ledger combination, specify the journal number that the export should start from in the Journal number from field. The default is 1.
The Journal number from number cannot be overridden at run-time, but can be overridden by resetting it in the export profile. The Journal number to number cannot be reset in the export profile, but you can set it to allow it to be overridden at run-time. At run-time you can also repeat the last range exported for the selected business unit and ledger combination.