Creating profiles

This topic provides a summary of how to create profiles.

Note: A red exclamation mark indicator is displayed by mandatory fields that are incomplete. You must complete these fields before you can run the profile.

Use the appropriate profile designer to create a new profile:

  1. In Transfer Desk, select the appropriate option from the File menu (New Import Profile, New Export Profile, New Process Profile, New Internal Transfer Profile, or New External Transfer Profile). Alternatively, click the relevant button on the toolbar.
  2. Specify a unique profile name. This name is given to your profile and identifies the profile from Transfer Desk.
  3. Specify a description for the profile.
  4. Select the appropriate component, and source, or target data format, for the type of profile you are creating.
  5. Specify the default source or target runtime parameters as required.
  6. From the Transformation drop-down list, select a transformation. Where the source and target are the same SunSystems data format, a default system transformation is provided for you. You must create a transformation if the source and target formats are not compatible.
  7. Click OK.