Running manual imports

To import data into the SunSystems database, select TRD Transfer Desk from SunSystems Windows client and run an import profile.

By default, the file handling and runtime parameters defined on the selected profile are used by the import. You can enable these parameters for runtime entry or override of defined values. In the profile you can specify:

  • the path and name of the file holding the data to be imported
  • the source, target and method
  • runtime parameter values.

The runtime values from the transfer profile record are used by Transfer Desk during the import process to locate the import file. They are also used to perform any other processes or options that depend on the target and method.

If a parameter is enabled for override at runtime, you can change it when you run the profile, before the import starts. Such amended values are used during the import process, but are not saved back to the profile unless you change them using Edit.

The data is imported into the SunSystems database, using the runtime values and transformations supplied or attached to the profile. Values in the data are manipulated by transformations during the transfer process. One of the prime uses of transformations is to enable the transfer of non-SSML format data, by mapping the external data to SSML format. SSML format is easily imported by Transfer Desk; no user defined transformation is required if the source data is in SSML format.

Note: All files being imported must be in UTF-8 format.