Using the function selection control

The function selection control is located towards the top right of the application frame.

Note: In the SunSystems Windows client, the function selection control has focus upon opening a new menu panel or closing a form. If focus is not on the function selection control, it can be accessed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + K.


The function selection control has two modes: Lookup and Search.

Mode buttons in the Windows client:

Button Description
btn_lookup.png Lookup
btn_search.png Search

To switch between the two modes, use the drop down list on the right of the control itself, or use the F3 and Ctrl + F3 shortcuts.

Mode buttons in the Web client:

Button Description
webslookup.png Lookup
web_btn_search.png Search

To switch between the two modes, click the function selection control.

Note: If you are running SunSystems in Infor Workspace, the color of the buttons may be different.


In lookup mode, the function selection controls displays a list of the function code and name of any menu item defined for the user group.

To launch a function, use the drop-down list and click the name of the shortcut you want to run. Alternatively, type the characters for the code into the selection box. As you type, the keystrokes are displayed in the status bar and the focus moves to the appropriate position in the list. You can use the up and down arrows to highlight a function, or compete typing the exact code. Click Enter to launch the function.

To clear the last character entered, click Backspace. To clear all characters and reset the control, click Esc.


In search mode, the function selection control supports entry of text. When you type the first character, the Search Results are displayed in the menu panel, showing all menu items that contain that character anywhere in the function name or code. As you continue to type, the set of matching menu items is reduced and dynamically displayed in the menu panel.