
This component runs the Change Period (CPD) function.

It allows you to change the current accounting period used in all SunSystems modules; Financials, Inventory, Purchasing and Sales.

The current period is the default accounting period used for posting journals and transactions. It also appears as the default period when printing reports, calculating depreciation, etc.

Preparing to change the period

You should take care when using this component in a multi-user environment. The current period is read as each operator logs in to SunSystems, and this period applies throughout the session. Therefore, if the current period is amended, the new period is not effective for other operators currently logged in.

It is standard practice to print audit trail reports, such as Account Listing, Journal Listing and Trial Balance, before moving to a new period.


Use this method to change the current period.
If you change the current period while other users have any sessions open in SunSystems, those sessions continue to use the previous current period. As each new session starts, the new accounting period is used. You may get unexpected results, and are advised to only change the period when no users are logged in to that module.
Note: The period has to be specified in the format pppyyyy, where ppp is the period, for example, '002' and yyyy is the year, for example, '2006'.
Driver Type: DJI
Use this method to obtain the current Financial, Sales, Purchase and Inventory period data from SunSystems.
Note: A filter should not be applied to this method; doing so will not change the data it returns.

This is not a standard Query method, so the export driver properties do not apply to it, and will be ignored.

Mandatory fields

One or more of the following must be supplied:

  • Financials Current Period - payload element <FinancialsCurrentPeriod>
  • Inventory Current Period - payload element <InventoryCurrentPeriod>
  • Purchase Current Period - payload element <PurchaseCurrentPeriod>
  • Sales Current Period - payload element <SalesCurrentPeriod>
Note: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.

Related data
