Specifying Data Values
The same formatting rules for specifying payload data values applies to filters. Unless otherwise stated, follow the general rules specified for dates, financial periods and data dictionary values.
When writing filter selection conditions that use dates, specify the date in ddmmccyy format, for example:
<Item name="/PurchaseOrder/EntryDate" operator="EQU" value="02052004"/>
Financial Periods
When writing filter selection conditions that use financial periods, specify the period in 'pppccyy' format, for example:
<Item name="/Asset/StartPeriod" operator="EQU" value="0012004"/>
Data Dictionary Values
When writing filter selection conditions that use data items that have Data Dictionary Values, (DDVs), specify the DDV.
Using Status as an example, your filter should specify value="0", rather than value="open".
The values written to the output payload are the DDVs and not the text equivalent. So, the <Status> element is written as: <Status>0</Status> and not <Status>Open</Status>.