Creating filters within Connect Portal

Here, you key the filter into the filter textbox in Connect Portal. The following table shows the filter format that should be used:

Filter Operator Character(s) Example
Equal = /Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number=1100
OR OR (/Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number=1100) OR (/Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number=1300)
AND AND (/Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number=1100) AND (/Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number=1300)
Not Equal != /Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number!=1100
Greater than / Greater than or Equal >>= /Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number>1100

/Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number>=1100

Less than / Less than or Equal <<= /Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number<1100

/Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number<=1100

Between <> /Ledger/Ledger Line/Journal Number<>1100,2000
In >< Not supported
Like ~= /Ledger/Ledger Line/Asset Code~=V% or V_

See the section Specifying Wild Cards

Is Null ~# /Ledger/Ledger Line/Asset Code ~#
Is Not Null !# /Ledger/Ledger Line/Asset Code !#
Longer Expressions ((/Purchase Order/EntryDate="02042001") AND (/Purchase Order/SupplierCode=71003)) OR ((/Purchase Order/EntryDate="26032001") AND (/Purchase Order/SupplierCode=71010))
Days Relative To Today RELDAYS Accounts/DateTimeLastUpdated RELDAYS -2 and 2

Some considerations to bear in mind:

  • There are no space characters on either side of the operator characters.
  • Each selection in an OR, or AND, must be specified within brackets.
  • For expressions that have more than one AND, or OR, the whole filter must be surrounded by brackets.
  • All operators can be preceded by NOT to invert the logic.
Note: RELDAYS only applies to DATE filter data type and the default value for RELDAYS is 0.