Overview of SSC Programming Interfaces

This section describes the Application Program Interfaces (APIs), that third party applications can use to access SunSystems Connect ( SSC).

It is aimed at developers; it does not go into any detail about the standard interfaces used.

SSC provides a way for applications and integrations to transfer data into and out from SunSystems. This enables systems to combine elements of SunSystems with third party or bespoke systems to provide an enterprise-wide solution.

The SSC programming interfaces are provided as a set of SOAP API methods, with supporting WSDL documentation API methods. The SOAP and WSDL endpoints are provided by SSC on either the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. They provide secure API data encryption from end-to-end as part of the overall SunSystems deployment.

SOAP Interface

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is an industry standard technology for remote method invocation. The SOAP protocol standard is supported by a wide range of development platforms and programming languages.

The SunSystems Connect service provides 4 different SOAP services which are available on different HTTP URL endpoints. It offers different aspects of working with features such as Authentication and Component execution.

SunSystems Connect SOAP interfaces support the SOAP 1.1 specification and are implemented as Document Literal style SOAP services. This means that inline XML schema documents are used to describe the SunSystems Connect payload data as opposed to standard remote procedure calls (RPC).

WSDL Interface

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is used by SunSystems Connect SOAP services to describe the endpoint details for connection to the SOAP API. It also describes the methods available, required parameters and expected results. As with the SOAP protocol, WSDL is an industry standard representation of a SOAP web service. It is recognized and supported by a wide range of SOAP development tools and environments.

WSDL information can be used to generate programmatic client code to access the SunSystems Connect SOAP services. The WSDL information is provided via an HTTP URL endpoint as per the SOAP API itself. Where Infor does not provide a SunSystems client library for the required programming language, we recommend you use WSDL to communicate with SunSystems Connect SOAP API.

Client Library / Bindings

Although the generation of client bindings is recommended for any programming language using the WSDL documentation endpoints, SunSystems provides optimized client libraries to use with more common programming languages.

SunSystems provides an optimized client library to use with the Java (TM) programming platform. Optimized client libraries provide support for HTTP streaming over the SOAP API. This means that very large payloads and data structures are supported.