Error Messages
The following list covers the most common error messages that you are likely to encounter when running your payloads and suggested actions to take. This list is not exhaustive.
- Account code 'xxxxxx' was not found.
- Allocation marker value is invalid.
- An error occurred in the business object.
- Analysis code cannot be blank or empty.
- Cannot increment existing allocation marker.
- Cannot specify both the new allocation marker and the increment.
- Control total in payload does not match sum of query results.
- Existing allocation marker may not be changed.
- Ledger budget code does not exist.
- New allocation marker must be a non-balancing allocation marker.
- New allocation marker or increment have not been specified.
- No account code found in range.
- No seletion criteria has been applied.
- The supplied DebitCredit 'x' flag is invalid.
- There are no transactions that satisfy the payload selection criteria.