
This component runs the Tax Reporting (REPTXR) process and provides a flexible reporting mechanism that allows you to report on the tax transactions, and the related 'taxable' gross and net values. Tax Reporting (REPTXR) allows you to produce tax reports in a variety of different formats, depending on the reports defined using Data Source Designer.

Two tax report formats are provided as standard with Financials:

Tax Listing Detail Report (Document Format TL1) - this report analyzes the tax transactions by transaction reference, for example by invoice number. Each transaction reference is printed on a single line containing the gross, net and tax values.

Tax Listing Summary Report (Document Format TL2) - this report analyzes the tax transactions according to the account code to which the gross taxable value has been posted, typically the debtor, creditor and client accounts. For each account it identifies the gross, net and tax values.

Note: These tax reports are defined using Report Designer. You can use Report Designer to amend these reports, or define different reports. However, you should be aware of how the tax reports extract, analyze and summarize the tax related transactions.


Driver Type: SASI
Use this method to run the component.
Note: Whereas SunSystems prompts you for the reporting option (whether to Print, Store or View), SSC only allows Print or Store to be used. The SSC default is Store. The report, by default, is stored in the SunSystems \Output folder. This location can be changed.

Mandatory fields

When running the tax reporting process, a value must be supplied for Document Format Code - payload element <DocumentFormatCode>.

Note: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.

Related data

Document Formats.