
This component runs the Document Format (DFS) function.

It allows the user to create, amend and delete as well as query document formats.

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Driver type: SASI
Use this method to change the status of one or more document format setups to Closed.
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to create one or more draft document formats.
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to create or amend one or more document formats. A document format is created if it does not exist, and amended if it does exist.
Note: It is not possible to amend existing Tax Filters using the CreateOrAmend method. Tax Filter records have unique, system-generated sequence numbers, so running CreateOrAmend with <TaxFilters> data in the payload multiple times would create a new Tax Filter record each time. This would produce multiple Tax Filter records with the same Filter Definition Control Id.
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to delete one or more document formats.
Note: You cannot delete a DocumentFormat record if child data exists. When this occurs, use the DeleteChildData method prior to using the Delete method.
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to delete child data (Consolidation Rules and/or Tax Filters) but retain the parent record (DocumentFormat).
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to change the status of one or more document formats to Hidden.
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to change the status of one or more document formats to Open.
Driver type: Export
Use this method to extract document formats from SunSystems.
Driver type: SASI
Use this method to change the status of one or more document formats to Suspended/Held.

Mandatory fields

When creating a document format(s), the following must be supplied:
  • Document Format Code - payload element <DocumentFormatCode>
  • Business Function Code - payload element <BusinessFunctionCode>
  • Description - payload element <Description>
  • Executable Name - payload element <ExecutableName>
When creating Consolidation Rules, a value must be supplied for Consolidation rule - payload element <ConsolidationGroupName>.
When creating tax filters, a value must be supplied for Filter Definition Control ID - payload element <FilterDefinitionControlId>.
Deleting Child Data
When deleting child data, a value must be supplied for:
  • Document Format Code - payload element <DocumentFormatCode>
When deleting Tax Filter child data, a value must be supplied for:
  • Filter Definition Control ID - payload element <TaxFilters.FilterDefinitionControlId>
  • Filter Sequence - payload element <TaxFilters.Sequence>

    Sequence is not a user-entered value, but it is possible for multiple records with the same FilterDefinitionControlId to exist, so system-generated Sequence determines the record to delete.

  • When deleting Consolidation Rules child data, a value must be supplied for Consolidation Rules Group Name - payload element <ConsolidationRules.ConsolidationGroupName.ConsolidationGroupName>
Note: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.

Related data

Consolidated Group Setup (CGS): A Consolidation Group Name will be used when Consolidation Rules are to be added to the document format. This should be predefined in CGS.

Filter Designer (FLD): A Filter Definition will be used when Tax Filters are to be added to the document format. This should be predefined in FLD.