Converting reports
Use the Report Conversion Wizard to convert reports to be designed using a different data source or business object, and remap fields on the report accordingly.
Before using the Report Conversion Wizard, make a backup copy of the report to be converted and store it in a safe place.
- In Report Designer, from the Tools menu, select Convert Report. This opens the Report Conversion Wizard. The data source of the report to be converted is displayed in the Current Top Level Filter field.
- From the drop-down list in the New Top Level Filter field, select the target data source, then click Next. This displays the Select Business Object page. The name of the business object used in the report you are converting is displayed in the Current Business Object field.
Leave the business object for your report data as it is, if you do
not want to change it, and click
Otherwise, select a different business object, from the drop-down list in the New Business Object field then click Next. The Map Fields page is displayed, listing unresolved report items in the current report.
Use the check boxes on this page to map unresolved items in the
current report to fields in the selected business object, convert them to text,
or delete them.
Note: You cannot convert to text or delete resolved items. The check boxes alongside these items are disabled.
- To map an unresolved item to a field in the selected business object, click the Browse button for the field, in the Map Field column. This opens the Enter Field/Expression dialog which displays a tab containing a list of shared labels or data fields, of the same data type as the field being converted. Select an item from the list and click OK to close this dialog and return to the Map Fields page.
- To convert an item to text, select the To Text check box alongside the report item to be converted.
- To delete an item, select the Delete check box alongside the item to be deleted.
- When you have mapped all of the unresolved items, converted some to text, or deleted items, click Next. This displays the Confirm Conversion page which lists the changes to be made.
Review the list of changes and, if required, use the Back button to return to the
Map Fields page where you can change your selections and
click Next again to
review the new list of changes.
Note: At this point, if you have not done so already, it is recommended that you make a backup copy of the report, as you cannot recover the original report once it has been converted.