Creating subreports

You can insert a report as a subreport of another. For example, if you want to break out sub-totals by another grouping or provide a key to codes used in the report.

Note: Subreports should be stored in the same working directory as the report into which they are inserted.
  1. From the Insert menu select Subreport. The Subreport Properties dialog is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Browse to the report to be used as the subreport.
    Initial Visibility: You can select whether the item is initially visible, hidden, or if visibility is dependent on an expression. To define an expression, click the query button and build the required expression, or enter the text as appropriate.
    Visibility can be toggled by another item: If you require the item to be made visible when another item is clicked, check this check box, and complete the Report item field below.
    Report item: Enter the report item to toggle visibility. Generally a report item on a header row is selected to toggle visibility of detail rows. At run time, in HTML mode, the selected report item is displayed with an expand/contract button to the left of it. When clicked, the initially hidden items or rows are made visible.
    Parameter Name
    Select the required parameter to be used on the subreport from the drop-down list.
    Parameter Value
    Click the browse button to display the Edit Parameter Value dialog. Either enter the value to be used as a constant, or select a field or parameter from the lists, as required.
  3. Save your changes.