Document Format Run Time Report Parameters

The Document Format Runtime Parameters form is used to enter the parameters for a report to be produced when it is requested by another SunSystems form.

This occurs in these cases:

  • When the report is produced automatically by a function, for example, Payment Run or Corporate Allocation Run.
  • When you request the report from within a SunSystems function by selecting Report on the Actions menu.
  • A document format must have been defined using Document Format (DFS) for the report you wish to produce.
  • For the selected document format, the settings for the parameters on this form are retrieved from the General tab in Document Format (DFS). These default settings can be overridden here, if necessary.
  1. On the General tab, specify this information:
    Document Format Code
    The document format for the chosen report. The document format identifies the report to be run and defines many of the report parameters.
    Note: You can select a different format, but ensure that you select an appropriate format or the results may be unpredictable.
    Set this option to display the report output online, rather than printing it.
    Set this option to print the report.
    Number of Copies
    The number of copies of the report to print.
    If required, a prompt of the path and name of the printer to be used for this report. This printer should be selected in the Name field of the Windows Print dialog, that is, displayed after clicking OK on the Document Format form. This might be necessary if the report should only be printed on a particular type of printer, for example if it uses special stationery.
    Note: To select printers from the Windows Print dialog, they must have been installed via Windows.
    Set this option to save the report output in a file.
    Report Instance Name
    The name of the file produced, if the report is being stored.
    Path to Report Instance
    The path to the report instance entered in the Report Instance Name field. The default output location is your My Reports\Output folder.
    A comment relating to the report. For example, special printing instructions may be included here from the document format. These are printed on the front page of the report.
    The language in which the document or report is to be produced.
  2. On the Document tab, specify information only if the document format is used to produce documents that may require special stationery, draft or final prints, or print copies. For example, this tab is displayed if you print payment documents.
    Print Type
    Determines the type of report to be produced. These options are available:
    • Initial Print
    • Supplementary Print
    • Reprint
    Final Print [Initial or Supplementary Print]
    For an initial print or supplementary print, this determines whether this is the final time the report is to be printed.
    Previously printed lines [Supplementary only]
    If the Print Type is Supplementary, this determines whether the lines printed on previous versions of this report should be included in this report. If this is not set, only additional print lines that were not included on previous versions are printed.
    Note: This option is used for Order Fulfillment process documents. For ledger based documents such as account documents, all the previously printed lines for your selection criteria are reprinted, regardless of the setting of the Previously printed lines print option.
    Mark as copy [Reprint only]
    If the Print Type is Reprint, this option clearly indicates that this report is a reprint of a previous print. This is particularly important if you are reprinting documents, for example, invoices.
    Print Test Page
    Set this option to print a test page prior to the actual print. A test page contains all of the report headings and prints XXX in place of the report values. It allows you to see the format of the report that would be produced, without actually running the report itself. This is useful if you are printing onto preprinted stationery and need to ensure the paper is aligned correctly, or are unsure of the information that appears on the report.
    Document Date
    The date to appear on the documents printed.
  3. Save your changes.
If the Suppress Params in Report Mgr check box is cleared for the document format in the Document Format form, you may be prompted to also enter report parameters in the Report Manager Parameters form.