Confirming dispatched items

After the dispatch note has been produced and the items received by the customer, you can confirm the amounts dispatched are correct, or make any amendments to the record as necessary. To do this, use the Inventory Dispatch Confirmation (IDC) form.

  1. Specify this information:
    Dispatch Transaction Reference
    The reference for the dispatch transaction as shown on the dispatch note.
    Sales Order Reference
    The transaction reference of the original sales order.
    Dispatch Transaction Line
    The number of the line on the dispatch note.
    Quantity Dispatched
    The quantity dispatched. This may differ from the amount originally ordered.
    Quantity Delivered
    The quantity delivered to the customer. This may differ from the amount shown in the Quantity Dispatched field.
    Unit of Dispatch
    The unit that the item was dispatched in.
    Each static data record contains a status code that determines the current processing status of the record. A status is assigned to each static reference record, for example to every account, asset, customer and supplier. It determines the current processing status of the record.
    • Open - this status is set automatically when you add a new record, for example, if you create a new account. Open items are available for input, inquiry, processing and reporting.
    • Hidden - a record with a hidden status does not appear on any inquiries but is available for input, processing and reporting.
    • Suspended/Held - a suspended record.
    • Closed/Completed - a closed record cannot be used for input or processing. For example, you cannot post transactions to a closed account or analysis code.
    You can alter the status of a record at any time. You must use the options on the Action menu to change the status.
    Item Code
    The code for the item.
    Short Heading
    The short heading, which is used where space is limited. If this is blank it defaults to the first characters of the description.
    The full name or description of the data item or record. This is used to identify it on reports and inquiries.
    Item Type
    The type of item defined on the item master. Types are: Goods, Service and Charge.
    Sales Order Line Number
    The number of the line on the original sales order.
    Batch Control
    Indicates whether or not the item is batch controlled.
    Customer Code
    The code for the customer.
    Customer Name
    The name of the customer.
    Email Address
    The customer's e-mail address, if applicable.
    Batch Reference
    The batch reference applied for traceability purposes as defined in Batch Reference Setup (BRS).
    Expiration Date
    The expiration date for the batch. You can obtain the audit trail history of expiry dates for the batch. This is available from the Batch Reference Setup (BRS) function.

    The following options are available from the Action menu:

    Confirm Line
    This confirms the dispatched items for the selected line only.
    Confirm All
    This confirms all the lines on the dispatch note.
    Note:  Once all lines on the dispatch note have been confirmed, you are prompted with a message asking you whether or not you wish to print a supplementary dispatch note.
    Manual Allocations
    This displays the Manual Inventory Allocations form if this is required.
    Serial Numbers
    This displays the Manual Inventory Allocation Assign Serial Number form which enables you to assign and unassign serial numbers as required if the item is serialized.
    Supplementary Print
    This displays the Document Format form which enables you to print a supplementary copy of the dispatch note.
  2. Save your changes.