Matching by quantity or value
Regardless of this setting, the system uses quantities to determine whether a transaction has passed through a stage, and how many have passed through a stage. For example, if 100 have been ordered and 102 received, this stage is recorded as being complete. If only 99 have been received, then this stage has not been fully completed. Therefore, quantity processing is important to the system regardless of the matching method.
Matching by quantity
If matching by quantity, the outstanding order quantity is compared with the outstanding invoice quantity being matched. If this is different, you are asked if there are to be further order/invoices to match against the greater outstanding quantity, and if not it is closed. For example, an order is for 100 and it is being matched to invoices that total 99; you are asked if further invoices are expected, in which case the order line must remain open; if no further invoices are expected the order line can be closed. The same question is asked if the quantities are the other way round, and the invoices are for a greater quantity to the orders.
A further complication is if the receipt note received quantities are different. There are then several combinations of order quantities, receipt quantities and invoice quantities all being lesser or greater than each other. You are asked relevant questions as required.
If the outstanding order quantity and the outstanding invoice quantity are equal, each line is closed automatically. If one quantity is greater than the other, and you reply that the line is to be closed, then the transaction is closed. If an order is to be closed, the cancel quantity functionality is used to cancel off the remaining quantity. For example, an order for a quantity of 200 is matched to invoices totalling 199, and you reply that no further invoices are expected, then the system uses the cancel quantity functionality to close the order for the remaining quantity of 1. A reason code is required to indicate why the line is being closed. The Reason Code set on the Purchase Type is used as the cancelled quantity default reason code.
Matching by value
Matching by value works in a similar way to matching by quantity. This can be used instead of matching by quantity or when quantities are not relevant to the ordering method, for example, large call off orders for large sums of money of which regular invoices are received against. The purchase order has been entered and progressed through all stages until it is available for invoicing. The purchase order will have been generated with a quantity that is higher than the expected number of instalments. The quantity could be invisible having been set up as a purchase order preset or a form preset.
The value label to be used when matching by values is defined on the Purchase Type Values Setup form in the Match Value field.
There is a recommended setup used for Value Matching where the quantity is not required, for example, for a service item where the value is entered on the order/invoice rather than the hours and rate. The quantity value label (with Units) is calculated from a formula which is equal to the currency value label noted as the Match Value. This also requires the quantity value label to come after the Match Value, as set in the value label sequence on the purchase type. The quantity should be invisible on the form. Because the quantity is equal to the Match Value, the procedure for matching and cancelling the remaining order value is similar to match by quantity. When the outstanding invoice value is zero and the invoice closed, the order is closed.
If the setup is required to have a quantity value, then care should be taken when matching by value. Regardless of the remaining value to match and requesting that the order remain open for further matching, if the invoice quantity is greater than or equal to the remaining order quantity, the order will be closed.
If the outstanding values differ, you are always asked what you want to do with the greater transaction close it or leave it open. This is the same as matching by quantity, and the cancel quantity functionality is used for the remaining value.
If the Match Invoice By setting on the Purchase Type Setup (PTS) is set on a transaction currency value, this will be used for matching, regardless of the value settings on the Business Unit Setup.
If the transaction value is defined on the Business Unit Setup as 'only present if entered', then the Match Invoice By setting on the Purchase Type Setup (PTS) should only be set on a transaction value if this value will always be entered.