Employees (EMP) - Personal Details

  1. Specify this information:
    The title of the employee. For example, Mr, Mrs or Miss.
    Gender of the employee.
    The employee's initials.
    Family Name
    The employee's family or surname.
    First Name
    The employee's first name.
    Other Names
    Additional name for the employee, other than their first name.
    Third Name
    Additional name for the employee, other than their first name and surname.
    Address Code
    Code for the address of the employee as defined in Addresses (ADD).
    Operator Code
    The Operator Id entered by the user to log in to SunSystems. This is set up using the Security Console or the User Manager.
    Primary Role Code
    Code for the primary employee role for the employee.
    Date Employment Commenced
    Date that the employee commenced employment.
    Social Security Number
    Social security number for the employee.
    Telephone Number
    The employee's telephone number, including international dialing code. This field is inherited from the telephone number defined on the address code which has been associated with the employee. It is not editable in the Employees function itself.
    Mobile Phone Number
    The employee's mobile telephone number.
    E-mail Address
    Full e-mail address of the employee.
  2. Save your changes.