These can be set up to enforce approval at the order entry stage, the invoice entry stage, or both. These settings can specify Data Access Groups to have the authority to approve, for example, specific amounts, quantities, items, projects, or cost centres. You can also specify whether their approval limit applies to the value of an individual line, or to the whole order or invoice.
Approval Levels are set for the appropriate authority limitations and additional restrictions, and up to ten Data Access Groups may be assigned to one level. This enables you to define a series of approvers for a transaction to pass through. It also allows the system to determine where in your organization's hierarchy a particular item must be directed for approval, depending on its value.
You can assign Approval Tables to particular stages in the purchasing process in order to specify when approval is enforced.
The authority limit of an approval can be further refined by restricting its application in accordance with the analysis directory structure. For example, the Item Analysis Code.