Charge Rules (CHR) - Ledger Interface
Specify this information:
- Apportioned Ldg Interface Defn
The Ledger Interface Definition to be used for costs apportioned as Landed Costs.
Note: This ledger interface definition must use the 'target' value label defined in this charge rule. If it does not contain this value label, the ledger posting will fail.When processing this ledger interface, the analysis from the transaction line holding the goods item is used as the source of the ledger analysis.
- Suspended Ldg Interface Defn
- The Ledger Interface Definition to be used for costs
suspended during Landed Costs processing.
Note: This ledger interface definition must use the 'target' value label defined in this charge rule. If it does not contain this value label, the ledger posting will fail.
- When processing this ledger interface, the analysis from the
transaction line holding the charge/expense item is used as the source of the
ledger analysis.
Note: The Ledger Interface to be used for expensed costs is the normal Ledger Interface for the source transaction. For example, the ledger interface normally used for a purchase invoice is used to post the expensed amount. However, only the amount defined as the expensed amount is used as part of the posting.
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