Item Master (ITM) - Inventory
Specify this information:
- Base Item Unit or Default Inventory Unit
The unit of measure that the item is processed in. For example, cartons, boxes, bottles, days, weeks, and so on. This must already have been set up using Unit of Measure Labels (UOM).
Note: This is also known as base, default, or reporting unit. - For goods type items, this is the unit that inventory is recorded in. All purchase, sales and movement transactions are converted to this unit if a unit conversion is required. The Inventory Inquiry (INQ) and Inventory Count functions process inventory quantities using this unit. Inventory costs (actual costs, standard costs, and weighted average costs) are held in this unit.
- For other item types, this field defines the default unit to be used similar to goods items. For example, for services items this defines if a service is processed in weeks or days.
- This unit is used if no unit of purchase or unit of sale is defined.
- All purchase and sales prices are based on this unit. Therefore, all prices defined for an item in a price book or blanket contract should be set up using the default unit, unless otherwise specified.
- Other units can be used when processing transactions as long as there is a conversion defined to the base unit.
- Unit of Volume
- The unit of measure for the volume of the item. For example, liters. This must already have been set up using Unit of Measure Labels (UOM). This is for information only.
- Volume per Default Unit
- The amount of volume for the item, used in conjunction with the unit of volume defined. For example, 500. This can be used in formulae in Formula Designer for use in purchase, sales, or movement orders.
- Unit of Weight
- The unit of measure for the weight of the item. For example, kilograms. This must already have been set up using Unit of Measure Labels (UOM). This is for information only.
- Weight per Default Unit
- The amount of weight for the item, used in conjunction with the unit of weight defined. For example, 5. This can be used in formulae in Formula Designer for use in purchase, sales, or movement orders.
- Default Location Id
- The location to be used as the default for storage of the item. This must already have been set up using Inventory Locations (ILC).
- Default Temporary Location
- This is used for storing items temporarily in a location between the receipt entry and receipt transfer processes, and so only applies if a receipt transfer stage has been setup for this purchase type. That is, the inventory is entered at the receipt note entry or matching stage, a receipt is created and the items are stored in this temporary location. Once the receipt note transfer stage has been completed, the items are transferred to their final location. If inspection is in use, accepted items are received into this temporary location, whilst rejected items are received into the default supplier return location. Only accepted items are transferred to their inventory storage location once the receipt transfer stage is complete.
- The system searches for the default temporary
location on the following records in this order:
- Item Master
- Purchase or Movement Type Setup
- Supplier.
- Default Dispatch Warehouse
- The warehouse to be used as the default for the item. This must already have been set up using Warehouse Setup (WHS).
- Default Customer Return Location
- The receiving location to be used as the default for sales returns of this item. You can define return locations on different forms and these are used in a hierarchy when a sales return note is raised. That is, the system searches for the locations in a specific order. If none is found on the first form it searches the next form and so on. You can change the location displayed or manually enter a location if none is displayed. The return locations can be defined on the following forms and are searched in this order: item master, customer and sales type. The Default Return Location field on any of these forms may be left blank. The location selected may be a quarantined location.
- Default Supplier Return Location
- The location to be used as the default for purchase returns or receipt note rejections of this item. You can define return locations in different functions and these are used in a hierarchy when a purchase return note is raised or a receipt note quantity is rejected.
- For purchase return notes, the system searches for
a default return location to be entered on the line automatically.
The system searches in the following order and stops when a location
is found:
- User entered location on the line
- Item Master - Default Supplier Return Location, that is, this field.
- Purchase Type
- Supplier
- Item Master - Default Location ID.
- For receipt note rejections, the system searches
for a default return location to be entered on the line
automatically. The system searches in the following order and stops
when a location is found:
- User entered location at inspection.
- Item Master - that is, this field.
- Returns Location entered on the purchase or movement type.
- Supplier - for receipt notes linked to purchase orders or invoices only.
- Maximum Inventory Quantity
This field is mainly for information. It is checked in the Movement Order Entry function when an order line is confirmed if a receipt is created at the order confirm stage. If the receipt will cause the total physical inventory quantity of the item to exceed this maximum inventory quantity, then a warning message is displayed at that stage.
This field is also available for display in the Order Fulfilment transaction entry functions (movement order entry, purchase order entry, and so on). It can be used in reports and other tools that access the item master records.
- Minimum Inventory Quantity
- This field is for information only. It is available for display in the Order Fulfilment transaction entry functions. It can be used in reports and other tools that access the item master records.
- Order Increment Quantity
- The step increments of order quantities for the item. For example, if this field is 5, the order quantities may be 5, 10, 15 and so on., up to the maximum order quantity.
- Safety Inventory Quantity
- This could be used to calculate reorder quantities. When inventory is low, the quantity to be ordered might be calculated by taking the quantity needed to raise the inventory level above this figure, and rounding it up to the next highest order increment.
- Save your changes.