Inventory Business (IBS) - Inventory Allocation
These fields apply to issues only.
Specify this information:
- Allocation Sequence
- The default sequence in which stock is allocated
to orders. This setting can be overridden for individual items on
the item master record. Options are:
First In First Out - refers to items held in inventory and is used to control the order in which items are issued from the inventory.
Last In First Out - refers to items held in inventory and is used to control the order in which items are issued from the inventory.
First Expiry First Out - this only refers to batch item codes held in inventory and is used to control the order in which these items are issued from the inventory.
Expiration Date Based
Stock is allocated based on expiration date.
- Allocation Horizon
- The default number of days that can be used in
advance of the due date for allocating an item from inventory. For
sales orders that is the own latest due date (start of activity);
and for movement orders that is the issue latest due date. Use these
settings to prevent items from being allocated to orders far into
the future, which would prevent more short term orders being
processed. Note: This is used with automatic allocations, and with the Allocate All and Allocate Line actions.
- Warehouse Sequencing
The warehouses available to allocations. Options are:
Use Default Warehouse Only -
the default warehouse for the item found by the warehouse default
sequence, as detailed in Setting up Automatic Allocations From
Warehouses. Note: If the option Use Default Warehouse Only is used, then you must set the Allocation Sequence for Warehouse processing to be before that of Item Processing, otherwise automatic allocation may not work.
- Use Default Warehouse And Others In The Same Group - the default warehouse for the item is set up in the item master and if the warehouse is part of a group, this is defined using Warehouse Groups. If a warehouse is a member of more than one group then all of the warehouses in all of the groups that this warehouse belongs to are used by the allocation processes (both automatic and manual).
- Use All Warehouses
Use Default Warehouse Only -
the default warehouse for the item found by the warehouse default
sequence, as detailed in Setting up Automatic Allocations From
- Examine Projected Free Inventory
- If Yes is selected, projected, or anticipated, items added to the inventory at a later stage, are made available to allocations. Projected receipts may result from either movement or purchase orders.
- Free Inventory Includes Allocated
- If this box is checked the free inventory total (inventory balance) includes the allocated quantity.
- Manual Allocations Used
- If this box is checked manual allocation is permitted.
- Alternative Item Precedence
- This field specifies the order in which the system searches for alternative items, as defined in the item master, if the current item cannot be found in the current warehouse. If this box is checked, the system searches for alternative items in the current warehouse, then searches for the current item in other warehouses.
- Allocation By Unit Load
- If this is unselected, an allocation for a unit of measure that is larger than receipts' units of measure will not happen automatically. For example, you will not be able to assemble or sell a case made up of bottles. The same or smaller UOM is sufficient.
- However, if this is selected, the larger UOM allocation will be made up of remains of smaller UOM receipts, depending on allocation criteria. For example, a pallet can be made up of crates and bottles
- Inc Reserved Allocn in Calcs
- If selected, reserved allocations are included in allocations calculations.
- Use Alt Item for Auto Alloc'n
- If selected, alternative items, as defined in the item master, are used for automatic allocation if the original item cannot be used.
The following stages represent the automatic allocations sequence and can be set as first, second, third or last in the sequence, as required:
- Item Process Sequence
- When items are processed.
- Unit Label Process Sequence
- When unit labels are processed.
- Warehouse Process Sequence
- When warehouses are processed.
- Projected Inventory Process Sequence
- When projected inventory is processed.
- Save your changes.