Defining Stages for the Sales Type

You can set up specific information for the stages to be used in a Sales Type. For example, the sequence the stages are processed in, and the document format to be used. To do this, use Sales Type Definitions Stages Setup.

  1. From the Action menu within Sales Type, select Sales Stage.
  2. Specify this information:
    Sales Transaction Type and Short Heading
    These fields are automatically populated from the current sales type record, and cannot be amended.

    The required sales stage.

    Note: The allowable stages for a sales return type of sales type are order entry, order acknowledgement/confirmation and invoicing.
    The sales stage which must have been completed before this stage can be allowed. This can be set to either another mandatory stage defined for this Sales Type, or to No Specified Sequence meaning that it is not a requirement for this stage to follow another particular stage. You can set up parallel stages by defining the same stage twice.
    Document Format Code
    The document format to be applied to this stage. For example, the document format that has been set up for a sales order. You can attach a document format to any or all of the stages.
    Movement Type

    The required movement type to be applied to this sales stage.

    Note: It is not recommended that inventory is updated at the order entry stage. It is recommended that the movement type is associated with stages after order entry, such as order confirmation, receipt note entry/matching, picking, dispatch, and so on. By having inventory updates at the order entry stage, various parts of the functionality are not allowed to perform, such as costing, and any data entered cannot be amended.
    Transaction Ldg Iface Defn Cde
    If required, this field contains the ledger interface to be applied to this sales stage. If this is set up the transaction is automatically posted to the ledger on confirming the stage.
    You can attach a ledger interface code to any or all of the stages.
    Inventory Ldger Iface Dfn Code

    For each transaction stage, you can specify one inventory ledger interface. On a stage that creates both an inventory issue and an inventory receipt, this interface will fire twice, once for the issue and again for the receipt.

    All inventory ledger interfaces must have their credits and debits specified as if they are for a receipt, that is, with debit the inventory accounts and credit the contra accounts. When a ledger interface is processed for an inventory issue, its credits and debits are reversed. For example, on a sales order transaction, the ledger interface would be set up as follows:

    • Inventory Account - Debit Latest Actual Line Cost
    • Cost of Sale Account - Credit Latest Actual Line Cost.

    Then when a sales order line is issued and the cost is 100.00, the postings would be:

    • Inventory 100.00 credit
    • Cost of Sales 100.00 debit.

    If inventory is to be updated at the stage, and a movement type is specified, you must supply an inventory cost ledger interface definition code in this field.

    Note: Either a ledger interface code (also referred to as a transactional ledger interface definition) or an inventory ledger interface definition code, or both, must be entered against any stage where a movement order code is entered.
    Note: Inventory ledger interface definitions must be used in the following circumstances:
    • Actual costing users who need to see cost changes 'ripple through' receipts and issues.
    • Standard costing users if the Inventory Revaluation module is used to revalue current period transactions.
    Posting Date Adjustment
    This allows you to adjust the default posting date set up in the Posting Date Source field, by entering a positive or negative figure. For example, if this is set to +10, the posting date is calculated as ten days ahead of the source date.
    Unit for Date Calculation
    The unit of time the posting date adjustment is calculated in. Options are: Days, Months, or Years.
    Posting Period Adjustment
    This allows you to adjust the default posting period set up in the Posting Period Source field, by entering a positive or negative figure. For example, if this is set to +2, the posting period is calculated as two periods ahead of the source period.
    Direct Print
    Indicates whether or not a document is to be directly printed on release of stage. Alternatively, transactions can be selected for printing by using the Control Desk functionality.
    Hold after Completion
    Indicates whether or not the transaction is held after completion of this stage.
    Default Form
    Default form to be used for this stage. This is used when transactions are selected by a control desk and passed to an entry function.

    Indicates whether or not this stage is optional.

    Note: You cannot attach a ledger interface code to an optional stage.

    Specifies whether or not transaction values are recalculated at this stage. Recalculation is normally required if changes have been made to currency rates, or price or value books, since the initial entry stage.

    If cumulative price books are being used, this flag must be set to Yes against the stage where you want the accumulation to take place. If this flag is set against multiple stages, the accumulation is performed at the last mandatory stage where the flag is set.

    Posting Date Source and Posting Period Source

    The date and period to be used for postings. The options are:

    • Order Date/Period - the date/period of the sales order.
    • Order Entry Date/Period - the login date when the sales order was entered, which may be different to the date/period of the sales order.
    • Order Acknowledgement/Issue Date/Period - when the sales order was acknowledged, or issued.
    • Current Date/Period - the date/period of the current user login.
    • Dispatch Date - the dispatch date. This may be entered by the user, otherwise it defaults to the user login date when the items were dispatched.
    • Dispatch Period - the dispatch period. This may be entered by the user, otherwise it defaults to the period on the Sales Business (SBS) when the items were dispatched.
    • Picking Date - the picking date. This may be entered by the user, otherwise it defaults to the user login date when the items were picked.
    • Picking Period - the picking period. This may be entered by the user, otherwise it defaults to the current period on the Sales Business (SBS) when the items were picked.
    • Invoice Date/Period - the invoice date/period. This may be entered by the user, otherwise it defaults to the current period on the Sales Business (SBS) when the items were invoiced.
    • Invoice Entry Date/Period - the login date/period on the Sales Business (SBS) entered when the invoice was generated, which may be different from the date/period of the invoice.
    • Invoice Posting Date/Period - when the invoice was posted to the ledger.
    Allocation Stage
    If you are serialized for the Inventory modules, this field specifies whether allocation is performed.
    Location Id
    The default Location to be used by this sales stage.
    Reversals Present
    This shows whether or not ledger interface reversals have been set up for the stage.
  3. Save your changes.