Overriding the checkout status

Provided a user has been granted access to Form Designer in Security Console or User Manager, they can override any forms checked out by any other user on any machines connected to the same server.

It is not necessary to override the forms from the machine that the original user had initially checked the forms out from. An overridden form is available for other users on any machine to check out and make changes.

On the Check Out dialog select the appropriate function and forms to be overridden. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select more than one form. Click Override.

The file in the Check Out folder of the initial machine is not removed. When the original user logs back onto that machine, the form is available for editing. If the original user opens that form, a message is displayed stating that the form is no longer checked out by them and that they cannot check it in. The user is still able to open the form, make changes, and save the form, but they cannot check it in. An error message is displayed if check in is attempted. However, it is possible to save the form as another name and check it in under the new name.

If a form has been overridden and another user attempts to check out that form on the same machine as original checkout a message is displayed stating that a local copy already exists and gives the option to overwrite that file.