Editing formulae

If you want to edit your formula details:

  1. From the View menu select Properties to display the Edit Formula details dialog:
  2. Specify this information:
    Formula Code
    The name of your formula is displayed. This cannot be changed.
    Enter a description that helps identify the formula. For example, surcharge, discount or tax.
    Lookup Code
    Enter a formula lookup code. For example, you might use TAX for a tax formula.
    Number of Decimal Places for Result
    Options are:
    Use System Default
    If selected, indicates that the system default for number of decimal places should be used.
    Default to Currency
    If selected, indicates that the number of decimal places specified on the currency definition table should be used.
    If you select this option, you can enter the number of decimal places (0-5) to be used for a formula code. For example, if the formula code involves a mileage calculation, you would use zero decimal places.
  3. Click OK. The formula details are amended.