Manually posting a depreciation amount
This is because posting a depreciation transaction to an asset in a particular period then excludes the asset from the Depreciation Calculation (FDC) for that period. If the amount you post is not in line with the asset's depreciation rate, gross value and number of periods depreciated, then depending on the specific circumstances, the subsequent period's depreciation calculation might include an amount to compensate for the change. You can suppress this compensation amount for all assets by checking the Lock Calculated Depreciation check box on the Ledger Setup (LES).
However, it may be appropriate to manually post a depreciation amount to an asset under the following circumstances:
- You are posting a depreciation amount that correctly brings the accumulated depreciation into line with the depreciation rate, gross value and number of periods depreciated. For example, posting the accumulated depreciation of an asset that you are migrating into SunSystems.
- You are posting the depreciation to an asset that is excluded from the depreciation calculation, for example if its depreciation method is defined as no-depreciation on the Value tabs in Asset Records (FAS).
- You are posting a manual correction or adjustment to the accumulated depreciation of an asset, for example, in an asset revaluation. In this case it is usually necessary to also adjust the gross value (using an additional journal), the percentage or the start period of depreciation in Asset Records (FAS), so that the manually posted depreciation is not reversed by the depreciation calculation in the following period.
In addition to standard depreciation, if you are using enhanced depreciation you can post manual adjustments for advanced and reduction depreciation. You must use specific journal types for each, which must first have been created in Journal Types (JNT), with the Asset Depreciation Type option set to Standard, Advanced or Reduction, as appropriate.