Predefining budget transactions
Journal Presets (JNP) can help you to speed up the
entry of budget transactions.
The following may be useful if you want to enter an annual figure and spread it over each period in the financial year:
- The first preset line is a nonposting line, on which you enter the annual budget amount.
- You may define any number of subsequent lines, one for each period, each of which are to be assigned an equal share of the annual budget. Enter 1R in the Amount field.
- It is advisable that the line corresponding to the last period of the year acts as a rounding period. Enter 1RU in the Amount field to achieve this.
- The balancing entry lines for each period can have the Debit/Credit field set to Period. This sets the value for the line to the period balancing amount, to ensure that entries for each period sum to zero. For a budget spread over 12 accounting periods, therefore, you have a non-posting line, plus 12 debit and 12 credit posting lines.
Journal presets can cater for budgets that are not spread evenly throughout the year. You can enter the appropriate ratio to be applied for each period in the Amount field.