Splitting a Transaction into Several Single Currency Transactions
If you select the SINGLE version of the multipart split form, use the following steps to split a transaction.
- The original amount of the transaction is displayed in the Original Amount field.
- In the Split Value field, enter a split value and select the appropriate Debit or Credit indicator alongside.
- In the Description field, enter a description for this split transaction or any other useful information, if required.
Click OK to create the split
transaction which appears in the list at the bottom of the form.
The amount that remains to be split appears in the Outstanding field.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 to enter each split transaction.
- If you enter a split value incorrectly, click on the transaction in the list. The transaction details reappear in the Split Value and Description fields where you can alter them. Then click OK to update them.
- Click Split Complete to generate the split transactions when you have fully split the original transaction and the Outstanding field displays zero.
Alternatively, click Cancel at any
time to abandon the multipart split.
If you cannot complete the split, you can suspend the split details by clicking Hold. This displays the Hold Multi-Part Split dialog where you enter your reason for the holding the split.When you complete the split, the new split transactions appear immediately above the original transaction in the allocation transaction list. The allocation marker is not set of any of the new split transactions. They all retain the allocation marker of the original transaction. You can set the allocation markers on these transactions in the normal way, as required.If the Preserve Original Line Values option is set in Ledger Setup (LES), the original transaction is not altered. An offset transaction is generated to reverse out the full value of the original transaction. Both this offset and the original transaction are given allocation markers of Correction. Two new transactions are generated, one containing the Amount to Allocate value and one containing the Outstanding value from the split dialog.