Producing an Account Listing with Archived Transactions
The Account Listing example report, FTAL1.srdl, lists the transactions that have been posted to the ledger, by chart of accounts code. You can include transactions for a range of accounts and accounting periods. You can select a single account code or range of account codes and a range of accounting periods for which transactions are to be listed.
The account listing reports print the base currency, transaction currency and second base/reporting currency details for each transaction. Fourth and fifth currency fields are also available to be defined.
Within each account, the transactions are grouped by accounting period and the total postings to each period are shown in the base and second base currencies. Once all of the transactions have been listed for the account, for the accounting periods selected, the total of the account transactions is printed, analyzed by currency. Finally, the report prints the total of all transactions, for all the accounts and periods included on the report.
You can define account listing reports using Report Designer. You can design as many reports as you want, with each showing the information required.