Examples of Rejections and Substitutions

Depending on the severity of an error in the ledger import data, the settings of certain options directly affect how the error is treated.

Major Errors

There are various circumstances in which a line can be considered as containing a major error, for example, an attempt to post to a closed or non-existent account, or an attempt to use a prohibited or non-existent analysis code or journal type. Possibly the most common error is the exclusion of an analysis code for an account that has that dimension set to mandatory.

If you set the Post Transactions (On Import) option to Post, any major error is treated as a reason to reject the transaction line from the account, and to pass it to the Error Suspense Account you specify. However, if you set the option to Post if no Errors, the same major errors are considered reasons for rejecting the transaction and therefore for not posting the ledger import file.


With the Post Transactions (On Import) option set to Post, imbalances in any or all of the currency values are automatically balanced by a line to the appropriate error suspense account for the value or values containing the imbalance.

With the option set to Post if no Errors, the handling of imbalances (that is, whether an imbalance is considered to be an error) depends on the setting of Allow Bal Txns When Post if no Err, described in detail in the 'Balancing' topic.


When an error is not considered major enough to reject the line, and if the error can be automatically substituted by a suitable alternative, the transaction line is imported to the correct account and the substitution made. Such substitutions happen regardless of whether the option is set to Post, or Post if no Errors.

Substitutions are considered either significant or insignificant. In general, the insignificant substitutions can be ignored, for example when an analysis code is imported in lower case and is substituted with correct code in upper case.

The following circumstances are common examples of significant substitutions, when the import file contains:

  • an analysis code for an account that has that dimension prohibited. The analysis code is replaced by a null or blank code.
  • a date or period out of the open range specified in Ledger Setup (LES). The error is substituted with the current date or period as appropriate.
  • a currency conversion rate missing, but the two values and the currency conversion code are present. The correct rate is substituted.
  • a currency conversion rate included, but incorrect for the two values included in the transaction line. The correct rate is substituted.
  • a currency conversion code, a conversion rate, and the base value are included, but not the transaction (or other) value. The other value is calculated and substituted.