Importing Multi-Currency Transactions
All of the multi-currency conversion rules that apply to journals entered manually using Ledger Entry (LEN) also apply to journals loaded using Ledger Import (LIM).
If all of the currency details are not included on a transaction, for example if only the transaction currency amount is present, the import process retrieves the currency rates required and calculates the remaining currency values using the normal currency posting rules for the business unit, or journal type.
If you are using currency rate types and the value conversion is required, but the currency conversion rate is not included, for example, the base amount and transaction currency code is provided, but the transaction amount and transaction rate is not, the conversion rate specified on the Currency Rate Type for the Journal Type is used to calculate the amount values and any subsequent rate tolerances.
Either daily or period exchange rates are retrieved, depending on the currency requirements. If a currency rate is not found for the currency, date or period, or a Currency Rate Type is not specified in Journal Type (JNT), the transaction is rejected.
A multi-currency journal being imported must meet the currency balancing requirements defined for the business unit.
Any rounding differences that arise from currency conversion can be posted automatically to a suspense account, even if the Post if no errors option is selected. This is determined by the Allow Bal Txns When Post if not Error option is set on Ledger Import Run-Time Parameters.