Checking the Journal Totals and Balances
Ledger Entry (LEN) calculates the following journal totals as you enter journal lines:
- Journal totals
the total debit and credit values for all transactions in the journal, regardless of accounting period, excluding memo values
- Reference totals
the total debit and credit values of the transactions for each journal reference, regardless of accounting period
In a multi-currency environment it calculates these totals in each of the currencies in use within your business unit: base currency, transaction currency, reporting/second base currency, and fourth currency.
The journal totals appear on the Ledger Entry form, usually in the top right corner. They are displayed in the base currency by default. You can use the menu commands or toolbar buttons to display these totals in one of the other currencies, and to display the totals for the current journal reference rather than the journal as a whole.
A journal can contain transactions that post to different accounting periods. The transactions for each accounting period must balance before the journal can be posted. Therefore, Ledger Entry also calculates the journal transaction totals by accounting period, in the base currency only. These period balances can also be displayed at any time.
Viewing the Currency Totals
To display the Ledger Entry form totals in a different currency, select and one of the following commands:
- .
The total debit and credit amounts are displayed in the appropriate currency. If the totals are not equal, the Out of Balance by amount is also displayed.
Viewing the Journal Totals
To display the debit and credit totals for the journal as a whole, select
. The totals and out of balance amount appear in the totals area at the top of the form. This is the default option.Viewing the Current Journal Reference Totals
A journal can contain transactions with different journal reference numbers. The balancing rules may force these transactions to balance for each reference before the journal can be posted.
To display the debit and credit totals for the current journal reference, select
. The totals and out of balance amount appear in the totals area at the top of the form.Viewing All Journal Reference Totals
To display the debit and credit totals for all of the journal references in the journal, select
. The totals and out of balance amounts, by reference, appear in a separate dialog.Viewing the Period Balances
A journal can contain transactions posting to different accounting periods. The journal can only be posted if the transactions for each period are in balance.
To display the debit and credit totals for each accounting period, select
. The totals and out of balance amounts, by period, appear in a separate dialog.