Adding New Journal Lines
Ledger Entry (LEN) includes a number of functions that allow you to begin entering a new transaction line for a journal and each is used in slightly different circumstances.
- You must always click
If journal presets apply and the Create Without Pause option is set, Ledger Entry automatically clears the input fields to allow you to enter the next journal transaction. It automatically displays the preset values for this new line. This continues until you have entered all of the preset lines for the journal. At this stage you must use one of the other options to add another line, post or hold the journal.
, or press
, when you have
finished entering the details for a transaction. This validates the transaction and,
if all of the mandatory details have been entered and are correct, it adds the
transaction to the journal and updates the journal totals. - Click
You must use this option, after clicking Create Without Pause option applies to the journal preset.
, to enter a new line, unless the
to enter another transaction, with the
current journal transaction reference. It clears the current transaction fields to
allow you to enter a new transaction. The cursor is positioned on the first field
without a preset value. - Click
The cursor is positioned on the Transaction Reference field to allow you to enter all of the details for this transaction.
to enter a new
transaction for a new journal transaction reference, within the same journal type.
For example, to enter the next cash receipt in the batch. If journal presets apply
to the journal type, the presets are repeated for the new reference - Click
The cursor is positioned at the very top of the form to allow you to select a new journal type. You can select any valid type, regardless of the style of form it requires. If a different Ledger Entry form is required, it appears automatically.
to enter an
entirely new type of journal. You cannot select this option unless you have just
successfully posted or held any previous journal you entered.
Do I Click OK or New Line?
After you have entered a journal line, you must click
to validate the journal line details and to add the line to the journal.If you want to use the same transaction reference when starting a new line in the current journal, then you must click
.Alternatively, click
to use a new transaction reference.If journal presets apply and the Create Without Pause option has been set, you must still click after each preset line, but do not need to click . When you click the next preset line appears automatically, providing the details are correct.
However, once you have entered all of the preset lines, the normal entry rules apply within the current transaction reference. That is, if you want to add another line with the same transaction reference you must click
. If you want to enter lines for a new transaction reference, click and the preset lines appear once again.